Saturday, January 12, 2008

Go Packers!!!

Here is The Girl's new do. We were getting tired of frumpy hair, so we cut about 4 inches off. She really likes it!! As you can tell, she has severely chapped lips. She won't stop licking them!

The Girl cheered at her first Upward Basketball game last night. She had so much fun!!! She was a little bit nervous before the game, but she got over that pretty fast!!!!

The Boy had his first wrestling tournament today. He didn't do so well, but he wrestled someone that was two years older than him. He wasn't very happy about getting beat. I didn't get any pictures of him wrestling, I was trying to video it instead. Nothing to scrapbook......
Back to the Packers!!!! Yeah!!!! Go Brett!!! Now, GO GIANTS!!! Beat Dallas so we can play in Greenbay again!!!

Saturday, January 5, 2008


Can you believe that I actually finished two layouts today!!!! Well, actually I started the one of The Girl yesterday at the scrapbook store..........but it counts as today since I finished it!!! My friend Leslie came over and spent the day scrapbooking. It seems like I organized a lot of stuff but didn't really scrapbook much!!! Can anyone tell me how to photograph my layouts so I can post them. The colors on these are terrible. The backgound of the 1st is supposed to be green and the blues are really bright. The one of The Girl has lot's of glitter and bright colors also. They are just really washed out. Someone help me please!!!

This is my friend Leslie's nephew. He is only two and lost his mother last year, so he lives with Leslie.

Here is a LO of The Girl. She was at a friend's Make Over Birthday Party. They had amkeup, hairdos, manicures and pedicures. She loved it!!!!!!!!

Crazy Pic of Amy

I'm not sure which of us looks crazier!!!! Kim if you need crazy pics of you and your husband let me know. I can post those next!!!hehehehhehehe
I am posting this per Amy's request. She is having a contest on her blog and
I think I just won!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Scrapbook Room

I am still trying to figure this blog thing out, so bare with me. I took a few photos of my scrapbook room, it is really messy, so I just took some random shots. I promise, someday it will be clean and you will get the whole effect. Just like my house.... someday it will be clean enough for pictures, maybe it will be the same day!!!

I spent the day at our local scrapbooking store trying to put together a class to teach on Jan. 18th. I'm not quite finished with it, but it is getting close!!!

Spencer took this picture of me today. I really don't like having my picture taken very much at all. I'm not very photogenic and usually
I have my eyes half open or my mouth!!!hehehe! I didn't think this one turned out to bad, so I am using it as my profile pic.

I know, I need more practice on putting my pics on here. I also want to figure out how to get music on here. Anybody know yet? Help me!!!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year

Happy New Year!!!! Now is time to reflect on the past year. Hopefully everyone has pleasant memories!! Not to many regrets!!!

I usually do not make New Years Resolutions. It seems like if you want to fail at something, make it your resolution. I know that seems negative, but it is the truth. I am going to change that this year!!! I am going to get up off of that thang!!!! I want to feel more energized, act more energized, be more energized. I wonder if it has anything to do with turning 35 recently.... That was a hard one!! Anyway, my resolution is to keep busy. In the winter, I am very prone to stay in the house, bake chocolate chip cookies ( and eat them) and watch a lot of TV. I want to change that!!! Over the past four months, I have lost 22 lbs. I want to keep that off!!! I also want to lose 10 to 15 more. I can only do that if I actually get up off of that thang!! Have any of you made resolutions? Lets hear about them!!!

My New Blog

I have finally decided to move!!! Hopefully I will keep this blog up!! I named it My Variety Show, because of my crazy life!!! I will post about family, friends, weather, travel, RAKS and of course scrapbooking. I will TRY to keep my layouts updated!!! Good luck with that!!!
Off to set up my new blog site!!!
Oh, did I mention RAKS.........The first person to comment on my new blog will get a suprise!!! Okay, the 10th person will get a suprise too!!
Comment away!!!