Sunday, August 17, 2008

Destin Day II

Day two in Destin. We played in the sand a lot today. We tried to make a sand castle, but we were not very good at it. But we had fun trying. Don't look at the rolls. You should have seen them in the bikini yesterday!!!
The Girl is ready to hit the water. She is getting ready to ask dad to go board with her!!
The Boy built all kinds of stuff. He spent a lot of time on the beach today.
The Girl loved walking up and down the beach to look for shells and sand dollars. She actually found a sand dollar that was mostly intact, but we didn't realize how fragile it was and it got broken. Last night after it got dark, we went back out to the beach to find sand crabs. They are very little and very fast. We walked for a long time before we realized what we were looking for. We ended up with quite a few in out bucket. It was a lot of fun!! Tonight we went to eat at Fudpuckers. They have live alligators that you can feed. The kids loved that!! They also got to hold one and have their picture taken with it. Can you believe I forgot my camera!!! More adventures tomorrow!!!


Kristi Smith said...

Wow, I am jealous, I want to go to a beach!!! Nice photos!!! When does school start? We start this Wednesday . . . middle school for Cole! ugh.

Have a great time!!!

Julie said...

i love the beach! have fun!

amy mason armstrong said...

yea! I love your beach pics...we can all pretend we're at the beach with you :) Have fun!

Kim said...

I am very jealous and very happy for you all having fun at the same time. We started school today. Hope you have a great, safe vacation.