Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Snow Day

It was 75 on Sunday............and now this!!!! Our forcast was for 1-3 inches. I think they missed it just a bit!!! The kids will have to get out and enjoy it today, because tomorrow will be in the 60's and sunny. This is the first significant snow we have had since we moved here. Rick hunted the sleds down this morning so the kids can go out and enjoy it. We have a large hill behind our house that the neighborhood kids sled down. I'll update with those pictures later!!
This is my neighbor across the street taking pictures. Just thought it was funny that we were both outside at 6:30 a.m. taking pictures of snow!!! Have a good day!!!


amy mason armstrong said...

woohoo! did you guys get a snow day from school? looks like fun, it was beautiful here today...so weird!

Kim said...

So funny that you have a post of "spring" and then a post of lots of "snow". I hope you enjoyed it.

amy mason armstrong said...

posted a new photo challenge on my blog if you wanna play!