Monday, June 30, 2008


Here is The Boy at Church camp. I think swimming was the highlight of the week!!
The Girl is fussing because she cannot smile!!! This was right after playing tennis with me. I tried to get a good picture of her and she said "I can't smile". Poor thing.

The Girl decided that she wants to learn how to play tennis. I love her determined look!! The tongue sticking out shows real concentration! She actually isn't too bad.
Not much has been going on here. Baseball is finally over. It sure seemed like a long season!! The Girl decided not to play ball this year, so it wasn't too hectic. We have been doing a lot of swimming it seems like.
We are going the Mt. Nebo over the 4th. The Kids love it up there. We mostly hike in the mornings and then swim the rest of the afternoon. It is pretty relaxing. I usually get a lot of reading done!!
We are pretty boring down here!!


Kristi Smith said...

The boy looks old. Where have our little boys gone. The girl looks old too. lol

Kim said...

I agree with Kristi...they both are looking much older. Wow, it happens overnight, it seems. So good to hear from you! Sounds like you are having a good summer. Enjoy your relaxing 4th!

Julie said...

ooh, tennis! i've also wanted to learn how to play. the girl and the boy are just too precious...but you know that already. :)

amy mason armstrong said...

its nice to be bored sometimes, huh? enjoy! glad you posted :)