The Boy is determined to beat Guitar Hero!!! It is crazy that he gets so frustrated at a game!! I actually thought this was a picture from my sisters house, but this is one of The Boy right when we returned home!!! I am to lazy to change it!!
The Girl was the photographer for the evening!!! This is Alexa and Becca at Lucas's Birthday party. He had about 30 kids over on Saturday evening. I got to play chaperon all night!! Nothing cramps the style of a 17-year-old like having your little sister and two cousins at your party!!! Alexa andThe Boy played dueling Guitar Hero against all of the guys............and they won!!! You should see how frustrated a 17-year-old gets when they are beat by a 9-year-old!! It was a lot of fun!!!
Now that Tax Season is over, I thought things would slow down. This will be the fourth weekend in a row that I have been out of town or busy.........The Boy had a kick-off baseball tournament, We went to Women of Joy in Branson, To Kansas and Saturday is an all day crop. I'm ready for school to be out so I can sleep in just one day!!!
So glad to hear from you again! Lucas is quite a handsome young man and yes, his girlfriend is beautiful. You know what else I noticed? How grown-up looking The Boy is. Wow.
you have been a busy girl! Great photos. Beautiful kids. Get some rest!
Sleeping sounds like such a fantasy! I remember the days before I was awakened every morning by a three year old climbing me like the Great Wall of China. Sigh.
I just had the same thought today - please, please, please let school get out so my mornings can sloooow down a little!
Of course, I'm due with #3 in 5 weeks so I won't be sleeping for a while!
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