Sunday, September 20, 2009

Long Time No Post

Wow, it has been awhile!!! That is Facebook for you. I cannot keep up with both!!!!

The Girl played in a benefit tournament in Conway over the weekend. They played hard four of our games!!! Unfortunately we came away with 3rd. That is a 1st, 2nd and 3rd since I took over coaching for the end of summer and fall ball!!!
We have been keeping busy with football and softball so far this school year!!! The first quarter is half way over all ready!!! Where does the time go? It seems like we do not have much time to relax anymore!!!!

Monday, June 22, 2009

State Tournament

The Girl is getting warmed up for the 2nd game at State.

We lost our first game 7-8 on Friday night. If we had been the home team,

we probably would have won!

We won our 2nd game 15-5 on Saturday. The girls hit great!!

We didn't play again until 7pm Saturday evening. We lost 11-5 to

a team we should have beat. The girls were struggling to hit the ball.

Our record ended up being 28-6. They had a great season!!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

State, Here We Come!!!!

The Girls softball team, The Duffield Crush, won second in Districts this weekend!!!
They get to play in the State Tournament in two weeks!!! State just happens
to be in Russellville!!!! Yeah!!!

Rick and I both help coach The Girls' team!!! Here we are with
the second place plaque!!!
The Boys team has their District Tournament the same
weekend as State. Luckily it won't be too far from Russellville!
Wish us luck!!!!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Why We Love Summer

1. Spending time with family!!

2. Last day of school!!!

3. Playing in the rain!!!

4. Camp fires and Smores!

5. Softball Tournaments!!!

These are just a few of the things that have been keeping us busy the last few weeks!!! We have our District Softball tournament next weekend and District Baseball the next weekend!!! We will have the whole month of July to just play and have fun!!!!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


I've been busy lately with kids, work, sports, ect............ I need to try a little harder to keep this updated!!!!

I saw this on a blog today and thought it was funny!! You should try is very interesting to see what your children think of you!!!

1. What is something your mom always says to you?
THE GIRL: Goodnight, I love you.
THE BOY: Clean your room.

2. What makes your mom happy?
THE GIRL: When I am good and I don't fight with The Boy.

3. What makes your mom sad?
THE GIRL: When someone dies.
THE BOY: Everything.

4. What makes your mom laugh?
THE GIRL: When I say something funny.
THE BOY: When dad tickles her.

5. What was your mom like as a child?
THE GIRL: She had to wash dishes by hand.
THE BOY: Don't know.

6. How old is your mom? (I'm 36...)

7. How tall is your mom? (I'm 5'5")
THE GIRL: 5'8"

8. What is her favorite thing to do? (Scrapbooking, sports, reading......)
THE GIRL: Sit like a couch potato in the red chair.
THE BOY: Sleep.

9. What does your mom do when you are not around? (Scrapbook, clean, when are you not around?)
THE GIRL: Party.
THE BOY? Party.

10. If your mom becomes famous, what will it be for?
THE GIRL: Movie Star.
THE BOY: Scrapbooking.

11. What is your mom really good at? (I'm thinking cooking!!)
THE GIRL: Scrapbooking.
THE BOY: Reading.

12. What is your mom not very good at? (I'm glad they didn't say cooking!!!! or cleaning!!)
THE GIRL: Mowing the lawn.
THE BOY: Finding bugs.

13. What does your mom do at her job? (I work in the acct office)
THE GIRL: Make Parking Meters.
THE BOY: Make Parking Meters.

14. What is your mom's favorite food?
THE GIRL: Thins mints.
THE BOY: Chocolate Chip Cookies.

15. What makes you proud of your mom?
THE GIRL: When she gets out of bed.
THE BOY: She's a good cook.

16. If your mom were a cartoon character, who would she be?
THE GIRL: Cruella DeVille.
THE BOY: Vicky from Timmy Turner.

17. What do you and your mom do together?
THE GIRL: Look for spiders and feed the birds.
THE BOY: Work on school projects.

18. How are you and your mom alike?
THE GIRL: We're relatives.
THE BOY: We both have brown hair.

19. How are you and your mom different?
THE GIRL: She has glasses.
THE BOY: Eye Color.

20. How do you know that your mom loves you?
THE GIRL: I don't really know, but she probably does.
THE BOY: She tells me every night.

21. Where is your moms favorite place to go?
THE GIRL: Scrapbook Store and Hobby Lobby.
THE BOY: Scrapbook Store.

Now it is your turn!!! Amy, Erin and Kim your it!!!

Saturday, January 31, 2009

25 Random Things

I was tagged by Kristi on Facebook, but since I don't update Facebook I'll put it here!!!

1. I need to lose 30 pounds.

2. My heels are rough.

3. I love my new T-shirt from Scrapbooks, Ect.

4. I love SUMMER.

5. I want to move further south.

6. My bedroom is a disater area.

7. Will someone come help me organize my house?

8. I bought a new comforter and love it!!!

9. I need to paint my bedroom/bathroom.

10. I like to collect scrapbook supplies!!

11. I love to read.

12. I'm lazy.

13. I'm not a very good friend.

14. I need to have a garage sale or load up my junk and donate it to Marva's.

15. I have a two car garage and my car won't fit.....

16. Winter just drags on and on....Summer flies by to quickly.

17. My sister will be 40 next month.

18. I cannot believe that I have a son in 5th grade!!!

19. I cannot believe the girl is in 2nd grade!!!

20. My husband works tooooo much.

21. I don't work enough.......back to the lazy thing.

22. My favorite color is aqua/teal/blue-green.

23. Last night I saw Bride Wars.

24. I love hot buttered popcorn with plain M&M's.

25. I just realized, I forgot #25!!!!

I tag Amy and Julie. Get busy girls!!!

Monday, January 26, 2009


Amy tagged me. Another version of the same!!! You have to go to your 4th file and pick the 4th photo and post it on your blog. Then, tell the story of the picture. Lucky for me, it wasn't of me!!

This is The Girl getting ready for some trick-or-treating 2007. She was a very sassy kitty!!

I tag Kristi and Teresa. Remember, no doctoring your photos girls!!!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Pioneer Woman

For all of you who do not follow Pioneer Woman you need to head over there and get in on her giveaway today!!! She is drawing for three Lowe's gift cards today. GO SIGN UP!!!

Saturday, January 10, 2009


UPDATE: There are still a few spots open if anyone is interested!!!

I am so excited!!!! I am going to this retreat again this year!!! I had so much fun at it last year!!! They only have 46 spots so I wasn't sure I would be able to get in. I'll be posting more after the fun!!

Upward started today!!! The Girl and Boy both played at the same time, so I went with the Girl. This is her first time to play basketball and she isn't really sure she likes it yet. She did score a basket today!!! She was excited about that! The boy did well also. He hasn't played since 1st grade. Rick went to his game and took pics. I'll post those later.

Have a great weekend!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

New Blog

I have started a new blog. Come on over and check it out. I need all the encouragement I can get!!! Thanks!